Ajun's Blog


Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

۩ Beach & Island Blue Sendang

Weekend yesterday I took my family for recreation on the beach and the Blue Sendang Sempu Island, South Malang. I knows how long we do not have time to forget about civilization and the routine daily work. Wow God knows how long we did not have time to forget about civilization and the routine daily work. Therefore momen weekend Engadget I really use to the family. Moments therefore Engadget weekend I really use to the family.

However, due to the strong intention that ultimately the way I had never even passed through. Path to the blue Sendang actually quite easy, namely from Malang to the Gadang, trus at Turen. From Turen toward Sitiarjo, SUMBERMANJING Sendang Wetan and Blue. We arrived at the Blue Beach Sendang knowing about 10:30 hours, not knowing the field, so a little nervous right start in the hills, not to mention the way that cuman pas two vehicles passed by many times the car we passed trucks carrying limestone and fish, so one must first mepet to the cliff so that other vehicles could pass. Otomatis, karena saya pendatang dan baru di medan ini, saya selalu inisiatif untuk mengalah, ha ha ha. Automatic, because I and the new arrivals in this field, I have always been an initiative to give in, ha ha ha.

Xenia small car was filled 7 people + 1 infant, with the air conditioning turned on full so that when the path climbs slightly ndut-ndutan, maklmum cuman 1000 cc. Once on the Blue Sendang, we berisirahat briefly, and without being confused with what we would do next, there was Mr. motorcycle taxi drivers who ask for our travel plans. We say that we want to relax for a while on the island but not Sempu to stay. Finally, by Mr. motorcycle taxi drivers, I was taken to a local perhutani post to take care of licensing for Sempu Island nature reserve category. After ngisi form and all, I paid Rp 20,000 (voluntary) of the tariff should be Rp 60,000 (for who want to stay / camping on the island Sempu).

To go to Sempu Island, we boarded a boat which was also resolved by motorcycle taxi drivers Pak said. Rate this boat is Rp 100,000, which prior to docking at the north coast of the island Sempu, we had taken a tour of the strait. Until the main coast at around 11:00, then we relax, play sand with my son who was a toddler, and others took themselves to shower on the beach.

According to agreement with the boatman, we have picked up at 12 noon, and promptly at 12 noon, the boat had picked us up.We soon settled and returned to the Blue Coast Sendang. On the beach, we cleaned up first, and then pray the core of a meal on the beach under a shady tree, and after that we took to the fish market to buy fresh Tuna.

Apart from the tired and exhausted we felt when he got home, our family was quite happy and content to relax for a moment on the beach after rutinitias everyday at work and at home. Unfortunately, we were not able to enjoy the ocean view and the lake catfish chicks that he unusually good. Maybe next time I'll go back there with a different plan and stay on the island of Sempu.
the photos

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