Ajun's Blog


Senin, 22 Februari 2010

۩The beauty of the Malang city

MALANG city objects selected for this study, as well as the second city
East Java's largest, as well as city growth is very remarkable in
early 20th century. Malang city is often referred to as one of the planning
the best city in the colonial Dutch East Indies in jamannya1. How the
growth of the city from a small district in the 1900's, is
a very interesting object for study.
In addition Malang also has many relics of colonial architecture
that still stands grandly. The development of architecture is always in harmony
with the development of the city. Therefore, while we also examine in
time between the development of cities and architecture. To facilitate
discussion of the research report is divided into two parts: the
city development and the development of architecture.

The approach chosen is mengkawinkan method of historical inquiry
documentary diskriptif method with survey techniques. The survey was conducted on
survey of literature by collecting and studying all the literature that
relating to title research, either directly or indirectly, and
field survey to study objects in Malang.
The selected period is between the years 1914-1940. This is based on
consideration that at that time Malang growing rapidly from
a small district, became a second-largest municipality in East Java.
The development of Malang 1914-1940
The development and state of city residents before 1914.
"The city is The People", the city is a man who inhabit it, so
often say urban experts. Like all colonial cities in the
Java in general, Malang is also inhabited by a diverse community 2.
Plural society in Malang consists of:
- Local Native population.
Malang is often referred to as the "Paris van Oost Java

Malang City Tourism Map

This community settlement patterning in Malang before
1900. Colonial cities in Java between th.1800 until the year 1900 has features
Typically, the square as its center 3. The city forms are also intended primarily
on economic interests. Where the interests of agricultural production and distribution
plays an important role in the colonial economy. All this requires
control in the system of government. Government control centers in the cities
colonial dtepatkan Java alon-alon around town. All buildings
government as the Assistant Resident's office, Regent Office, Jail and
religious buildings such as mosques (In Malang also the Church) was built around
alon-alon. So alon-alon serve as "Civic Center".


Foto Malang Tempo Dulu : Alun-alun


Foto Malang Tempo Dulu : Balaikota

balaikota malang

Foto Malang : Raksasa pun bisa kalah

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