Ajun's Blog


Senin, 22 Februari 2010

۩The beauty of the Malang city

MALANG city objects selected for this study, as well as the second city
East Java's largest, as well as city growth is very remarkable in
early 20th century. Malang city is often referred to as one of the planning
the best city in the colonial Dutch East Indies in jamannya1. How the
growth of the city from a small district in the 1900's, is
a very interesting object for study.
In addition Malang also has many relics of colonial architecture
that still stands grandly. The development of architecture is always in harmony
with the development of the city. Therefore, while we also examine in
time between the development of cities and architecture. To facilitate
discussion of the research report is divided into two parts: the
city development and the development of architecture.

The approach chosen is mengkawinkan method of historical inquiry
documentary diskriptif method with survey techniques. The survey was conducted on
survey of literature by collecting and studying all the literature that
relating to title research, either directly or indirectly, and
field survey to study objects in Malang.
The selected period is between the years 1914-1940. This is based on
consideration that at that time Malang growing rapidly from
a small district, became a second-largest municipality in East Java.
The development of Malang 1914-1940
The development and state of city residents before 1914.
"The city is The People", the city is a man who inhabit it, so
often say urban experts. Like all colonial cities in the
Java in general, Malang is also inhabited by a diverse community 2.
Plural society in Malang consists of:
- Local Native population.
Malang is often referred to as the "Paris van Oost Java

Malang City Tourism Map

This community settlement patterning in Malang before
1900. Colonial cities in Java between th.1800 until the year 1900 has features
Typically, the square as its center 3. The city forms are also intended primarily
on economic interests. Where the interests of agricultural production and distribution
plays an important role in the colonial economy. All this requires
control in the system of government. Government control centers in the cities
colonial dtepatkan Java alon-alon around town. All buildings
government as the Assistant Resident's office, Regent Office, Jail and
religious buildings such as mosques (In Malang also the Church) was built around
alon-alon. So alon-alon serve as "Civic Center".


Foto Malang Tempo Dulu : Alun-alun


Foto Malang Tempo Dulu : Balaikota

balaikota malang

Foto Malang : Raksasa pun bisa kalah

۩ Aremania

Do not forget there are Malang in the city seporter football and good football is Arema Indonesia and seporter Aremania & aremanita.Arema is not going anywhere but arema is everywhere
Greeting One Life
The B
est Seporter INDONESIA

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

۩ Bale kambang Beach

Beach Bale kambang is a tourist place in the malang southern region. To enter this tour are charged in approximately Rp10.000, - per person. This beach is quite popular, there is a pure local community used to worship. This place is very interesting stretch of white sand that is outside will spoil you if you want to walk sand. This resort is well treated. It is proved there some place to stay.
Beach Bale kambang This was quite clean, there are also many souvenir traders who can be bought by tourists. But there is a shortage of places this tour is a bridge between pure above the beach can be dangerous tourists who came. If the bridge was repaired this place would be more interesting to visit. This beach is also quite safe if you want to play on the beach is playing in behind the rock upon which it is pure. In addition to our cool breezy too can enjoy the waves coming from the sea and detained by the rocks
Access is difficult enough job here, but this should not be as spectacular sea ,it is so beautiful to attract tourists to come.not to the MALANG city if not to bale Kambang

۩ Beach & Island Blue Sendang

Weekend yesterday I took my family for recreation on the beach and the Blue Sendang Sempu Island, South Malang. I knows how long we do not have time to forget about civilization and the routine daily work. Wow God knows how long we did not have time to forget about civilization and the routine daily work. Therefore momen weekend Engadget I really use to the family. Moments therefore Engadget weekend I really use to the family.

However, due to the strong intention that ultimately the way I had never even passed through. Path to the blue Sendang actually quite easy, namely from Malang to the Gadang, trus at Turen. From Turen toward Sitiarjo, SUMBERMANJING Sendang Wetan and Blue. We arrived at the Blue Beach Sendang knowing about 10:30 hours, not knowing the field, so a little nervous right start in the hills, not to mention the way that cuman pas two vehicles passed by many times the car we passed trucks carrying limestone and fish, so one must first mepet to the cliff so that other vehicles could pass. Otomatis, karena saya pendatang dan baru di medan ini, saya selalu inisiatif untuk mengalah, ha ha ha. Automatic, because I and the new arrivals in this field, I have always been an initiative to give in, ha ha ha.

Xenia small car was filled 7 people + 1 infant, with the air conditioning turned on full so that when the path climbs slightly ndut-ndutan, maklmum cuman 1000 cc. Once on the Blue Sendang, we berisirahat briefly, and without being confused with what we would do next, there was Mr. motorcycle taxi drivers who ask for our travel plans. We say that we want to relax for a while on the island but not Sempu to stay. Finally, by Mr. motorcycle taxi drivers, I was taken to a local perhutani post to take care of licensing for Sempu Island nature reserve category. After ngisi form and all, I paid Rp 20,000 (voluntary) of the tariff should be Rp 60,000 (for who want to stay / camping on the island Sempu).

To go to Sempu Island, we boarded a boat which was also resolved by motorcycle taxi drivers Pak said. Rate this boat is Rp 100,000, which prior to docking at the north coast of the island Sempu, we had taken a tour of the strait. Until the main coast at around 11:00, then we relax, play sand with my son who was a toddler, and others took themselves to shower on the beach.

According to agreement with the boatman, we have picked up at 12 noon, and promptly at 12 noon, the boat had picked us up.We soon settled and returned to the Blue Coast Sendang. On the beach, we cleaned up first, and then pray the core of a meal on the beach under a shady tree, and after that we took to the fish market to buy fresh Tuna.

Apart from the tired and exhausted we felt when he got home, our family was quite happy and content to relax for a moment on the beach after rutinitias everyday at work and at home. Unfortunately, we were not able to enjoy the ocean view and the lake catfish chicks that he unusually good. Maybe next time I'll go back there with a different plan and stay on the island of Sempu.
the photos

۩ BAKSO food from the city malang

The dikangenin Obama's Indonesian food is Meatballs (other than rambutan & fried rice) that was submitted to the SBY Obama by phone (25-11-2008) during transit in Seattle Tacoma after the APEC summit in Lima Peru.

Meatballs originally came from China, Bak = pork, So = noodles + soup. Or also known as Meatball in various countries. Malang itself at regular or called Bakwan OSKAB too, said meatball wrote reversed, this reverse flow language used for arek-arek keeseharian Ngalam (poor).

In Malang, meatball dishes reply to evolve, grow varianya, techniques of process them. Back when (childhood until high school) I was in Malang, there are meatballs, salad, meatball mix mix Rujak Cingur, nah lho? ... gimana tuh feel? ... then there was grilled meatballs, fried meat balls, meatballs, etc. claw. We have had countless variants and its name, there krikil meatballs, meatball tennis, rambutan meatballs, meatball cheese, chocolate, shrimp, meatballs thunder until I found its climax there is a meatball stall "no name".

As the second largest city after Surabaya in East Java, Malang has a stereotype of creative people (in terms of culinary to automotive) stereotype people like Bandung and Yogyakarta. With 12 Mall / plaza, dozens of mountain resorts to the beach, the city with dozens of university students, culture greatly influenced the sociology of jokes Kartolo (ludruk) that makes residents like ngebanyol, supple, less like a theory / small talk but love digress: D, first rock music barometer Indonesia and pretty solid persatuanya (tebukti enthusiastic supporter Arema teams).

So it's no wonder why Malang Meatballs growing cities in the country, because of his unique & seasonings that can practically taste latest achievements and down generations from time to time, because the touch of creativity the likes of Malang yg bertipikal mix of exploration and innovation of food. Other foods besides losing non Cingur known as Rojak, Rawon, Cwie noodles, pecel, as well as various kinds of fruit-flavored Kripik until crisp meatballs themselves.

In Jakarta, Malang meatballs that I often hung sambangi is a deket meatballs office, in front of the Hero Kemang, which is only Rp 5000, - perporsi. There other Meatballs Cak Man City (formerly in Malang meatballs Kedawung benama). There is also a poor Meatballs Karapitan BMK, Semeru-Ampera etc, just average these meatballs still ranged in value 7an, much poor taste with Meatballs there, like the president Meatballs, Meatballs Wood Hand, Meatballs Bakar market south ... etc. (no reply to nambahin?) the typical red tomato sauce plus plus lontongnya

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